The Criminal Defense Lawyer Website Design Experts

Hi, I'm Izzy – Licensed lawyer who builds websites for lawyers.

Our team makes websites specially-designed for Criminal Defense Attorneys.

I know firsthand the challenges criminal defense firms face. It’s feast or famine. Criminal offenses can demand all the time from your legal team during intensive periods. No need to worry about marketing then.

But eventually all criminal cases end, and then you can find yourself struggling for work and paying your team for sitting around.


The Criminal Defense Website Marketing Experts

Criminal defense lawyers need a pipeline of potential clients or they will go through a constant struggle.

That’s why criminal defense law firm sites are absolutely their most essential tool. We build firm websites that get you a steady stream of qualified leads.

Client testimonials with smiling photos on the home page will attest to your great work. Lists of your firm's successes go a long way to building trust. In addition, we'll feature prominently licenses, awards and certifications that raise the credibility of your law firm to prospective clients.

The qualified leads will come in consistently from your law firm's website.

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Search Engine Optimization

How Potential Clients Find Your Criminal Defense Law Firm

Your target audience is constantly changing. Criminal defense attorney sites need search engines to find their site and they need website visitors – prospective clients – to quickly contact their criminal defense law firms.

Every single website we build includes search engine optimization (SEO) on the home page. Search engines will find you.

In addition to marketing, automation of work tasks can make your new website save many hours of work and reduce the need for staff.

That’s why criminal defense lawyer websites also need to integrate seamlessly with whatever client management tool you are using. We can help make that happen.

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Lead Tracking

Built-in Criminal Defense Lawyer Website Lead Tracking

Lawyers tend to be good at taking care of clients, but bad at tracking inquiries. Phone calls are often not returned. Emails get forgotten. Potential clients fall through the cracks.

Our criminal defense law firm websites all have lead tracking built-in. When a lead comes in, simply make your staff input the prospective client’s email, phone number, etc. into the website contact forms. You’ll always know how many prospective clients you have at any one time – and no one falls through the cracks.

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Marketing Automations

Marketing Automations for Criminal Defense Attorneys

Free consultations are the bread and butter of marketing for clients accused of criminal offenses. To build the absolute best criminal defense websites, we have integrated automated free consultations with you or your staff.

Our system integrates directly with your Outlook or Google calendar to completely automate scheduling. Digital meeting times can automatically be created in Zoom or Google Meet. You sit back while your law firm’s website works with website visitors to schedule meetings that fit your schedule.

It’s like having a secretary that always has your up-to-date schedule and coordinates directly with website visitors.

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Act Now to Claim the Best Criminal Defense Lawyer Website in Your City

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Local Exclusivity: We Never Work With Your Competitors

Local website developers pose a specific problem. Either your website is not made by a specialist in criminal defense websites or they are working with your competitors. It is not possible to get an expert in developing criminal defense attorney websites locally who doesn’t work with your competitors, right?

We commit to working with building the absolute best criminal defense lawyer websites for each metropolitan area – and no more. If someone comes asking us for a new website in your city, then we will politely decline.

You’ll visit our website and find the perfect website design for your criminal defense law firm.




Stand out from the competition and attract more clients

With our services, you can attract more clients, grow your practice, and focus on what you do best – defending your clients and fighting for justice. Don't wait any longer to take your practice to the next level. Contact us today to learn more.

If you don't know how to effectively market your practice online…

That's where we come in. Our team, led by a lawyer just like you, specializes in website development and marketing for defense lawyers.

  • We understand the unique challenges and opportunities of the legal industry
  • we can help you create a professional online presence that showcases your skills and expertise.
  • with our targeted marketing campaigns, we can reach the right clients at the right time.

No spam, ever.